sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2008

Zooey Deschanel capa da Nylon "It Girls"

Zooey Deschanel (quem não ama essa garora) é capa da edição It Girls da revista Nylon de Outubro. Scans da revista e uma pequena entrevista(em inglês porque eu não tô com vontade de traduzir - sue me) :


Zooey Deschanel wants you to know that she’s not your average It Girl.
Put “Hollywood” and “It Girl” in the same sentence and you probably think blonde bombshell with a few cheesy action flicks bulking up her resume, not actress who lives with her sister, plays in an indie rock band, and loves clothing from the ‘60s.
But that’s why we love Zooey Deschanel and put her on the cover of NYLON’s It Girl issue: She doesn’t even have to try to be cool, she just is.

Here are five more reasons why we’re obsessed with Zooey:
1. Before she could even talk, Zooey was singing the words to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.”
2. She’s a vintage fiend with a penchant for big hair. “I’m secretly a country singer at heart,” Zooey explains.
3. She comes from a Hollywood family yet calls herself a “homebody” and stays away from the velvet rope scene in L.A.
4. Although she loves being in a band—“Now that I’ve experienced what it’s like to stand up there and sing my own songs, I just can’t imagine wanting to do anything else”—Zooey’s not ditching acting just yet; she’ll be making several appearances at a theater near you in the coming months.
5. She likes to give high-fives. Even to NYLON writers.

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